Sunday, October 30, 2011

Teaching Vocabulary #3 - Mini Posters

The idea of a mini poster is to allow students to focus on understanding a topic of their own choosing.  I sometimes use it as an assessment tool depending on how much they have to explain.  Vocabulary mini posters make a great word wall too....

Benefits of Mini Posters:
* promotes correct spellling, writing and diagramning
* promotes researching on their own
* promoteslogical organization of topic understanding
* simple to do and not overwhelming
* easy to present orally in front of the class since it is only 1 word
* makes a nice break from math computations
* allows creativity

How to make a mini poster:
1) Have a template ready - which includes the instructions, date and a rubric.
2) The mini poster will be drawn on the other side of the paper (so that students will know how you graded it when you return them!)
3) It should include the list of words they learned recently
4) Students choose only 1 word
5) Students can use their book, notes, etc as a resource
6) Have a rubric which should include topic, diagram, example, creativity/color and presentation
  **** remind students what it takes to make an A...
7) Have a box of markers ready and available

Making mini-posters a regular activity
* Every Friday after a quiz
* Appropriate about 10-15 minutes
* As students become used to it, you can extend it to a more comprehensive project

Photos of mini posters

Files on Mini Posters:

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