Sunday, October 30, 2011

Teaching Vocabulary #6 - Making Cartoon Dialogues

You can do this in lieu of making mini-posters.  Basically, you create a template of 3 blank cartoons and students fill in the bubbles with their definition of a math word.  The simpler the characters, the better because students start adding on hair, teeth, glasses, color, etc. 

You can do an image search (not web search) on blank cartoons.  Most are copyrighted so you can make your own.

How to create a cartoon template
1. Using landscape view, create a table of 2 rows and 3 columns
2.  Merge the top row to form 1 column
3.  Insert the 3 blank cartoons at each section of the lower table
4.  Enlarge cartoon as needed.
5.  Type instructions on the top row
      - students would write the definition as a conversation between 2 people
      - they can give examples
      - they can additional items to make the characters interesting
         ex: make eyes cat like or big, add thick lashes, make eyes cross eyed, add stripes to their
               clothing, checkered hair, draw a pet or add windows, etc
      - students will have freedom of expression

Photos of cartoons


Cartoon Links

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